Nov 25, · Application of Epidemiology in Community Health Nursing. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate utilization of epidemiology research related to the health of the community Nov 23, · Community health-nursing care plan based on the findings from your windshield survey, epidemiology presentation and/or family assessment. Instructions: 1. Review chapter 2 Power Point presentation that you can find in the lecture tab of the blackboard or attached in this assignment message. Pay special attention to slides number 7 thru 11 (Using the nursing process [ ] Nov 21, · What community health nursing intervention strategies will best be November 21, / in Homework Essay Help / by Proessaywritingservice PART 1The CDC and Healthy People continue to educate on the importance, the improved ease of access and insurance
My Volunteer Experience at a Nursing Home - Words | Help Me
The old couple is most of the time alone, and they cherish when I come to visit for the summer. My uncle lives a few blocks away. I've always seen him when he visits my grandparents, but I never got to know him more than the usual social conventions allow.
This summer was different. He offered me the opportunity to volunteer in his clinic. I hated that I had to go to school while my dad was in the hospital. After a couple of days, we learned that Dad had a stroke, several actual. Robin called the hospital several times a day, morning, noon, and night.
After about month Dad could move aging. Sometimes that period was years at time with visits only on the weekends or every three weeks. My mother worked in a job in which she had to remain where she was because there were not many openings for her profession around the country. Should I ever find myself in that position community service nursing home essay my spouse, or other important members of my family had to move, the ability to be able to move with them and still find a job to bring in income is very important.
Medical mission trips have always been of interest, and as a provider with the help of a team, accomplishing at least one trip to a place that is in desperate need of healthcare is a huge goal I hope to accomplish. Being able to provide care for those who cannot afford it is something I hope to do more than once in my. My grandmother his wife possessed the largest burden of the constant care for my grandfather as he slid into a state of powerlessness and incapability for basic self-maintenance.
However, since my grandma never learned how to drive, taking full care of my grandpa become a near impossible task. Within the past week, I was able to meet a patient that had been through a very difficult life. He was admitted into the hospital almost one month ago because he had a stroke. He was a carnival worker and was only planning to be in Lexington for a temporary amount of time until the carnival left, community service nursing home essay.
At first, he was unable to talk, and his mobility was extremely limited. In these times, C. They did send me money in a card, and well there has been quiet a bit of line crossing with these funerals. I am not sure if I would like to become a in home nurse or a nurse in a hospital setting.
No matter how old a person is, community service nursing home essay, they deserve to live their life as comfortable as possible until death, community service nursing home essay.
Grandfather had called to tell us that he carried my grandmother to the hospital because of a critical situation. We knew that she didn't feel well, but nobody thought the situation could become this serious. For a moment, I read the noticeable signs of guilt in my mother's eyes because she was km away when my grandmother needed her.
The coming days were not easy for us. My mother went to look after my grandmother community service nursing home essay the hospital. Our whole future went up in the air, community service nursing home essay mom was a stay at home mom and since we relied on my dad to support our family our whole lifestyle changed. I learned community service nursing home essay adapt to a whole new way of life because of changes that happened practically overnight.
After my dad passed away my mom, sister, and I got a lot closer and we had always been a tight family but now we held on to the only thing we had left, each other. My grandfather had been fighting stage 4 kidney cancer for several months before my dad died. On February 18th, he lost his battle to cancer. Home Page My Volunteer Experience at a Nursing Home. My Volunteer Experience at a Nursing Home Satisfactory Essays.
Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Up until a few years ago I never thought that one community service nursing home essay my grandparents would be in a nursing home. I had always been lucky to have them healthy. However, this changed about a year ago when my grandfather had a mini-stroke, which caused him to require extra care my grandmother could not provide.
Watching my family deal with my grandfather made me aware of the care and services the elderly need and has made me realize how important it is to volunteer at a local nursing home.
My grandfather's stroke affected his legs and his memory, community service nursing home essay, which made it difficult for him to walk. My grandfather first used a cane, but his legs became too weak, so he tried a walker, but this lasted only a month.
Not only could he not walk or take care of himself, but also he began to stay up at night and fall out of bed. My family started looking into nursing homes. It took us weeks before finally deciding. Unfortunately he will have to stay there until he improves, both mentally and physically. Since summer I have volunteered at his nursing home because I saw how lonely some of the residents were.
I volunteered two days a week during the summer, which I have continued. I have learned many things about nursing homes and the factors to consider when choosing one, including the residents' quality of life, the care received, the environment surrounding them, and the nursing home's payment policy. I have been working with the recreation director, who plans activities for the residents. I have painted the women's nails and read them letters from their children.
Also, I have helped with special days like Ice Cream Day, Summer Picnic Day, and Clown Around Day, community service nursing home essay.
For each we create special word scrambles. I also have taken patients for walks. We also have birthday parties and exercise days. Through my volunteering I have made a new friend - Irene. She has family, but they live faraway and cannot come to visit often.
Our friendship grew through the summer. She grew up in Shelton and lived in Milford before she came to the home. She has two sons who seldom visit. Her grandchildren, however, do visit every weekend.
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