
Casey Dunn, Director of Graduate Studies Deanna Brunson, Registrar. Osborn Memorial Lab - P.O. Box New Haven, CT Mar 15, · Nursing research provides the scientific basis for the practice of the profession. Using multiple philosophical and theory-based approaches as well as diverse methodologies, nursing research focuses on the understanding and easement of the symptoms of acute and chronic illness; prevention or delayed onset of disease or disability, or slowing the progression thereof; finding effective Casey Dunn, Director of Graduate Studies Deanna Brunson, Registrar. Osborn Memorial Lab - P.O. Box New Haven, CT
Graduate Program | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Download PDF Version. Nursing research worldwide is committed to rigorous scientific inquiry that provides a significant body of knowledge to advance nursing practice, shape health policy, and impact the health of people in all countries.
The vision for nursing research is driven by the profession's mandate to society to optimize the health and well-being of graduate level research papers American Graduate level research papers Association, ; International Council of Nurses, Nurse researchers bring a holistic perspective to studying individuals, graduate level research papers, families, and communities involving a biobehavioral, interdisciplinary, and translational approach to graduate level research papers. The priorities for nursing research reflect nursing's commitment to the promotion of health and healthy lifestyles, the advancement of quality and excellence in health care, and the critical importance of basing professional nursing practice on research.
As one of the world leaders in nursing research, it is important to delineate the position of the academic leaders in the U. on research advancement and facilitation, as signified by the membership of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN. In order to enhance the science of the discipline and facilitate nursing research, several factors need to be understood separately and in interaction: the vision and importance of nursing research as a scientific basis for the health of the public; the scope of nursing research; the cultural environment and workforce required for cutting edge and high-impact nursing research; the importance of a research intensive environment for faculty and students; and the challenges and opportunities impacting the research mission of the discipline and profession.
Nursing research provides the scientific basis for the practice of the profession. Using multiple philosophical and theory-based approaches as well as diverse methodologies, nursing research focuses on the understanding and easement of the symptoms of acute and chronic illness; prevention or delayed onset of disease or disability, or slowing the progression thereof; finding effective approaches to achieve and sustain optimal health; and improvement of the clinical settings in which care is provided National Institute of Nursing Research, The study of professional socialization and the graduate level research papers processes that best prepare nurses and nurse scientists to succeed are also appropriate foci of nursing research, given the growing demand for increasing efficiency and effectiveness in higher education and the critical need for leadership development in all areas of the nursing profession.
The critical societal issues that influence the direction of nursing research usually flow from individual- and population-based health determinants. Such health determinants are multifactorial in nature, including: the physical environment for work and life; behaviors of individuals, families, graduate level research papers, and communities; biologic factors including genetic predisposition to health problems; social factors including socioeconomic position and resources; discrimination factors and the availability of social networks as well as access to and use of various health services Longest, Nursing research also is guided by several major national health policy directives, an example of which is Healthy People Understanding and Improving Health U.
Department of Health and Human Services, The two overarching goals are: 1 helping individuals of all ages to increase life expectancy and improve their quality of life, and 2 eliminating health disparities among different segments of the population in the United States. Health disparities are noted among individuals and families who are uninsured and lack access to healthcare Institute of Medicine, However, graduate level research papers, despite socioeconomic level or insurance coverage status, "Racial and ethnic minorities tend to receive a lower quality of healthcare Understanding such disparities and testing strategies for their resolution are major priorities for health science, including nursing research, graduate level research papers.
Today's complex health problems are not amenable to single-discipline research approaches. While nursing, graduate level research papers science, and biomedical research approaches make unique and independent contributions to the public's health, they also complement each other and bring balance to the nation's health and research agenda, graduate level research papers.
Interdisciplinary research is an essential characteristic of nursing research because multiple perspectives are required for the complex study of health and illness experiences of society, graduate level research papers.
To this end, the community of nurse scholars recognize that the science of nursing is growing rapidly and they are committed to the challenges posed by the constant progression of new knowledge.
Scope of Nursing Research. Nursing research encompasses a wide scope of scientific inquiry including clinical research, health systems and outcomes research, and nursing education research. Clinical research, based on biological, graduate level research papers, behavioral, graduate level research papers other types of investigations, provides the scientific basis for the care of individuals across the life span and occurs in any setting where nursing care is provided.
Health systems and outcomes research examine the availability, quality, and costs of health care services as well as ways to improve the effectiveness and appropriateness of clinical practice. Finally, nursing education research focuses on how students learn the professional practice and discipline of nursing as well as how to improve educational strategies to prepare clinicians and scientists.
Clinical Research The scope of clinical research ranges from acute to chronic care experiences across the entire life span; health promotion and preventive care to end-of-life care; and care for individuals, families, and communities in diverse settings.
It is imperative for nursing research to take a farsighted approach in order to have greater impact in the future. For example, recent discoveries in the genetic basis of disease and behavior may help nurse scientists to develop more effective strategies to manage symptoms and tailor interventions. Nursing's expanded view of health emphasizes health promotion, restoration, and rehabilitation, as well as a commitment to caring and comfort. In this way, nursing research differs from biomedical research.
The focus of biomedical graduate level research papers on the discovery of disease causation and cure is essential but not solely sufficient to improve health.
Despite the dramatic successes of improved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, graduate level research papers in overall health of the public require a broader approach. Some diseases are better prevented than treated, others simply cannot be cured, and suffering and irreversible changes such as aging are part of the human experience.
Indeed, health can be far better maintained when it is viewed in the broader context of lifestyle, culture, and socioeconomics. Nurse researchers study how to assist individuals and groups as they respond to health and illness experiences e. Much nursing research is biobehavioral in nature, seeking to understand the relationships among biological, behavioral, psychological, and sociological factors. These factors are integrated in all beings.
For example, recent discoveries demonstrate that biological factors e. Complex problems in human health require interprofessional approaches. Interdisciplinary research is one of three major areas defined in the National Institutes of Health NIH Roadmap NIH, Nurses are uniquely qualified to lead and participate in interdisciplinary research teams because their education includes courses from all health-related disciplines e.
The nursing research priorities identified by the National Institute of Nursing Research NINR illustrate the vital contributions of nurse scientists. These areas include chronic illnesses or conditions, behavioral changes and interventions, and response to compelling public health concerns. Particular attention is given to health disparities and vulnerable groups such as minorities, infants, youth, and older adults. Health Systems and Outcomes Research Nursing research on health systems and outcomes seeks to identify ways that the organization and delivery of health care influence quality, cost, and the experience of patients and their families.
While research on such topics is not exclusive to any single discipline, nursing has a particular focus that brings important balance to the health and biomedical research agenda for the nation. For example, nursing research is integrated with health services research regarding issues of organization, delivery, financing, quality, patient and provider behavior, informatics, effectiveness, cost, and outcomes.
It evaluates both clinical services and systematic structures in which those services are delivered; it explores appropriate balance of personnel to provide effective and efficient care while controlling costs of health care. As the health care environment changes rapidly, the consolidation of health plans and care settings continues.
The containment of costs, continued problems with access to care, and efforts to develop quality care has increased the demand for nurse researchers graduate level research papers broaden their understanding of the research continuum to include the development of knowledge and skills in health graduate level research papers research.
Nursing Education Research Nursing education research centers on developing and testing more efficient educational processes, identifying new ways to incorporate technology in order to enhance learning, and discovering more effective approaches to promoting lifelong learning and commitment to leadership.
To achieve these goals, the use of rigorous research strategies in the assessment of the teaching-learning process and outcomes at all levels of nursing education is essential from baccalaureate and graduate education through. The continuous supply of well-educated nurses is critical to maintain and enhance our nation's health, especially in light of the changes in the demographics of the population, graduate level research papers.
To this end, graduate level research papers, new strategies for recruiting and retaining bright young men and women from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds into nursing must be developed and tested.
In addition, graduate level research papers, new models of nursing education are needed to prepare nurses for faculty and research positions earlier in their careers.
These efforts must assume top priority if nursing research is to continue to evolve, graduate level research papers. The lack of recognition and funding for this type of research has greatly impaired progress in this area. Scientific integrity and the ethics of investigation transcend and are part of all nursing research ventures. Nursing's commitment to an egalitarian application of professional standards and ethics has earned the trust of the public.
Similarly, nursing research is guided by commitment to ethical standards in all phases of scientific discovery and use of knowledge. As participants in the global interdisciplinary scientific community, nurse researchers examine and debate the ethical dimensions and dilemmas inherent in designing, conducting and reporting research.
Nursing education provides grounding in major research ethical constructs from the Nuremberg CodeDeclaration of Helsinki World Medical Association,National Research Act of Public Lawand Belmont Report NCPHS, ; all of which are reflected in the federal Common Rule regulating research in the United States DHHS 45CFR46, These ethical and legal precepts simultaneously guide investigators as well as nurses caring for patients who are also research subjects. Nurse researchers, whether working alone or within interdisciplinary teams, consider appropriate boundaries graduate level research papers practice and research, address conflicts of interest, provide for protection of subjects, and maintain systems of checks and balances to ensure the integrity of the research enterprise.
As part of the profession's responsibility for advocacy, nurses take appropriate action whenever scientific misconduct is identified. Regardless of discipline, the research enterprise can thrive only when certain prerequisites are in place, including a culture supportive of research and scholarship; strong mentoring in the intellectual work of the discipline; educational programs to ensure an adequately sized and appropriately educated research workforce; and provision for necessary infrastructure and funding mechanisms to support coherent programs of research.
Cultures supportive of research and scholarship generally develop within academic institutions where knowledge development, discourse, and debate are expected and encouraged.
Given the broad scope of nursing research, this also means that nurse researchers require environments that support integration of various approaches to inquiry.
Collaborative research among nurse scientists that brings together a range of perspectives on a particular question will result not only in a better understanding of and coherence in the entire discipline, but also in an understanding of how knowledge from one field complements and extends learning in another.
Further, contemporary research problems demand that nurse scientists move into more interprofessional collaboration, team-based work, and increase attention to the rapid progression to safe and appropriate practical application of findings NIH, graduate level research papers Programs of nursing that offer baccalaureate and higher degrees lay the groundwork for the research enterprise by preparing professional nurses capable of using scientific knowledge in their practice and contributing to new knowledge.
Such programs are committed to teaching and integrating nursing research as well as other relevant research e. Teaching from such a base prepares graduates to evaluate and use evidence appropriately and, with advanced preparation, generate new knowledge for nursing practice. The ultimate goal of research training in nursing at all levels is to strengthen the profession's contribution to enhancing the health and healthcare of individuals and populations, graduate level research papers.
The expectations and competencies of graduates at each level of nursing education in regard to research are described below:. Just as all collegiate schools of nursing do not offer the total range of degree programs, not all academic nursing environments can offer equal support to the research enterprise, graduate level research papers.
While it is understandable that many nursing schools aspire to offer the research-focused doctorate, not all schools are well-suited to this activity. In order to ensure that future nurse scientists successfully develop and sustain significant programs of research, serious attention must be paid to the research culture in which they will be trained. The major components required for the effective preparation of new scientists, as outlined in AACN's Indicators of Quality in Research-Focused Doctoral Programs in Nursing include:.
The next stage of development in nursing research encompasses the creation of highly dynamic research environments that enable a greater proportion of faculty to excel as scientists, in that the volume and quality of their work has a substantial influence on health care.
The nursing research enterprise has made great strides over the last 30 years, and many nursing schools have well-established research environments. Nevertheless, future progress may be impeded by two worrisome trends: 1 most nursing doctorates are earned much later in life than is true in other disciplines, thus shortening the time available for an active research career, and 2 production of new nurse faculty and in particular, new nurse scientists is far behind what is needed now and in the future.
A significant challenge facing the nursing research community is that nurses tend to pursue doctoral study later in their careers than those in other research fields, graduate level research papers. Given graduate level research papers the median age of retirement for doctorally prepared nurse faculty is A major policy and cultural shift is needed in nursing doctoral education to achieve earlier entry into research careers National Research Council, graduate level research papers, The mean number of years from completion of a baccalaureate degree to graduation from a research-focused doctoral program is Likewise, the mean number of years registered in a doctoral program prior to graduation is 1.
Earlier matriculation into doctoral programs and full-time study will enable graduates to establish long-term careers in academic nursing and develop sustained programs of research and teaching. The shortage of doctorally prepared faculty will continue to exert a negative effect on graduate level research papers research agenda well into the future by severely limiting the pool of available nurse scientists, straining the human and fiscal resources necessary for the conduct of research, and creating circumstances in which new investigators will have difficulty in establishing and maintaining productive research programs.
Strategies have been identified to ensure the continued vitality of nursing research during this critical time AACN, Importance of a Research-Intensive Environment. A research-intensive environment is essential in order to generate the science base for nursing and interprofessional practice and to educate future generations of nurse scientists. Financial support and a strong value for generating as well as disseminating knowledge must be present within departments and schools, in the larger academic institution, and at the graduate level research papers level.
The importance placed on the research mission by the larger institution has a major impact on a school of nursing's research environment. In research-intensive environments, support is evident in the hiring and retention packages provided for investigators; peer and administrative review mechanisms used for appointments and promotions; availability of start-up research funds for faculty; and support for continuing faculty development in research, such as professional leaves and sabbaticals, career awards, and pilot funding.
Schools of nursing provide the research environment for faculty and the next generation of nurse scientists.
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Mar 15, · Nursing research provides the scientific basis for the practice of the profession. Using multiple philosophical and theory-based approaches as well as diverse methodologies, nursing research focuses on the understanding and easement of the symptoms of acute and chronic illness; prevention or delayed onset of disease or disability, or slowing the progression thereof; finding effective Casey Dunn, Director of Graduate Studies Deanna Brunson, Registrar. Osborn Memorial Lab - P.O. Box New Haven, CT Casey Dunn, Director of Graduate Studies Deanna Brunson, Registrar. Osborn Memorial Lab - P.O. Box New Haven, CT
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